The most appropriate carton is rarely the lowest-priced
The main cost of packaging is usually not the cost of materials but the accompanying process costs. We will test your packaging and packaging aids on quality, easy handling and other possible savings potentials.
With cardboard box systems, box sizes matching the range of goods are only one aspect of efficient pallet packing. Contour packaging optimized for pallet use will ensure even items like bumpers, notoriously space-consuming and difficult to stack, can be fastened securely for transport and will allow for maximum utilization of load surface, e.g. on a lorry.
The choice of materials forms the base of your savings
Constructive packaging, displays and transport and export packaging such as corrugated crates, trays, slotting-type boxes and other die cut packaging materials are some of Nordpack’s core businesses. We pursue the specific requirements of custom packaging solutions for each customer with dedication and a problem-solving drive. Our large portfolio of suppliers of a wide range of material components is something special.
Functional combinations of materials will turn a carton into easy-to-handle and 100 % safe packaging for transporting explosive airbags – our MULTiCARGO FIREbox. Alternatively, cardboard packaging laminated with highly effective VCI films allows for placing moisture-sensitive turned parts directly into the transport or shipment packaging after production.
We develop your packaging
Naturally, we will produce samples for extensive test runs under original conditions when developing the best packaging for your needs.
We offer reliable service providers for the entire production chain but are also happy to work with your suppliers if desired.
Take advantage of custom packaging development and cooperation with independent testing institutes to shape the perfect functional packaging for your products.

The Nordpack Consulting team is looking forward to hearing from you:
Phone: +49 5136 8004 164