Find further information in our broschures and catalogues here in the download area. If you need any more details, please get in touch with us.

MULTi-Cargo Load security – the SAFETYgrip anti-slip mat range
Load safety as a competitive advantage with our innovative anti-slip mats for load securing. Load safety is becoming an ever more important factor in all areas of trade, industry and logistics. Inspections are becoming more rigorous and the selection of the right anti-slip mats can become a competitive advantage.
This is why Nordpack GmbH has developed the SAFETYgrip series of products for load securing according to VDI standard 2700 et seqq., to DIN EN 12195-1 and German road traffic regulations (StVo).
Download-PDF (2,0 MB)

MULTi-Cargo System packaging – modular to your pallets
Our modular packaging systems. The single and double walled fast assembly boxes of the innovative MULTi-Cargo Series can be sealed without the need for tape, are pilfer proof and offer additional stability.
In addition, boxes from this series are re-usable, can be combined on pallets and streamlined for postage costs.
Download-PDF (840 KB)

MULTi-Cargo SAFETY cool bag – paper based thermal packaging
With our SAFETY cool bag, we offer insulated packaging in a variety of sizes, developed specifically for the stable-temperature shipping of foods and medicines that must be refrigerated.
SAFETY cool bag is made from odour-neutral, taste-neutral and low-migration paper-based materials and is 100% recyclable.
Download-PDF (840 KB)

MULTi-Cargo FRESH box – flat in storage, big on cost saving
Pure EPS boxes are extremely bulky to store. In addition, they require extra packaging materials such as adhesive tape or strapping. Much better – the MULTi-Cargo FreshBox is both insulation and shipping box in one.
Based on corrugated cardboard, the FreshBox requires up to 20 times less storage space – delivered flat in stacks of 50 per pallet, it guarantees optimum space-saving storage.
Download-PDF (560 KB)

VCI corrosion protection products
With Nor®Shield AC, we have developed an innovative laminate which, compared to traditional anti-corrosion products such as oil, wax, VCI paper or foil, is characterized by extremely effective corrosion protection.
Due to the high concentration of the active ingredient and its rapid emission, sensitive goods are protected immediately. The packed goods do not require additional corrosion protection emitter.
Download-PDF (518 KB)
Further broschures – German versions only

MULTi-Cargo HiGHFOiL – multilayer high-performance stretch foil
Only German version available.
Download-PDF (2,6 MB)

MULTi-Cargo PiCK AND GO – cardboard packaging for retail and mail order businesses
Only German version available.
Space-saving in storage, easy to assemble and very versatile: The advantages of corrugated board packaging in retail and mail order are obvious. A low specific weight, high load capacity, reusability and 100 % recyclability will also win over the end customer. Even more persuasive customized with your name.
Download-PDF (1,8 MB)

MULTi-Cargo STADIONBAR – innovative drinks carrier for large-scale events
Only German version available.
Football or festival – all fans can tell stories about drinks containers at large-scale events. How do I get the beers for my circle of friends safely from the bar to the stand without spillage? And how do we deposit the drinks safely to keep our hands free for the applause, the Mexican wave or the goal celebration? There is now an ingeniously simple solution: the STADiONBAR drinks carrier, invented and developed by Nordpack experts from Isernhagen.
Download-PDF (1,5 MB)

Only German version available.
Read about our guiding principle and service commitment in our corporate brochure.
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Product portfolio – German version

Packaging machines and accessories
Only German version available.
Are you looking for packaging machines and practical little helpers for your packaging or logistics departments? Discover more about standard packaging machines in our packaging machine catalogue. You can’t find the machine you’re looking for? Write to us and we will be happy to help you with your project.
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Certifications and company logo

Nordpack ISO certificate
Download the DIN EN ISO 9001 certificate here for your records.
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Nordpack FSC certificate
Dowload the FSC certificate here for your records.
Download-PDF (142 KB)

Download the printable Nordpack logo here. Do you need different file formats e.g. vector files? Feel free to get in touch.
Download JPG-File, RGB, 300 dpi (130 KB)