The insulated paper bag – keeping perishables cool reliably during transport
Environmentally friendly temperature control
With our SAFETY cool bag, we offer insulated packaging in a variety of sizes, developed specifically for the stable-temperature shipping of foods and medicines that must be refrigerated. SAFETY cool bag is made from odourless, tasteless and low-migration paper-based materials and is 100 % recyclable.
Up to 48 hours at a guaranteed temperature of 2° to 8° Celsius
The fibre mixture encased in a multi-layer paper sleeve insulates the goods inside the bag against outside heat influence. The insulation reflects and stores cold and thus keeps the temperature inside the packaging constant for up to 48 hours. Any condensate forming will be absorbed by the insulation and released later. This protects and reliably cools your products for the entire duration of transport. Also cool: After use, the convenient SAFETY cool bag packaging can be disposed of as waste paper.

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SAFETY cool bag, the environmentally friendly cool bag in size S
Small paper-based insulated packaging for cooling zones between 2° and 8° C
Small square cool bag measuring 350 mm x 400/350 mm. The perfect size for courier deliveries of single medicines that must be refrigerated. The insulated paper bag guarantees temperatures between 2° and 8° C for 48 hours – that is, for the entire standard shipping time.
SAFETY cool bag, the environmentally friendly cool bag in size M
Medium-sized paper-based insulated packaging for cooling zones between 2° and 8° C
Square medium-sized paper-based cool bag measuring 400 mm x 450/400 mm. The convenient paper-based cool bags in four different sizes ensure no air is cooled unnecessarily. Turn down the bag and seal with an adhesive label – and your cool bag is done.
SAFETY cool bag, the environmentally friendly cool bag in size L
Medium-sized elongated paper-based insulated packaging for cooling zones between 2° and 8° C
The extra-long medium-size bag with dimensions of 400 mm x 550/500 mm – also works for slightly longer temperature-sensitive products. The insulated bag made of 100 % organic materials is low-migration and certified food safe. It is therefore suitable for transporting food products even in direct contact.
SAFETY cool bag, the environmentally friendly cool bag in size XL
Large paper-based thermally insulated packaging for cooling zones between 2° and 8° C
A reliable paper cold chain – SAFETY cool bag’s four modular bag sizes will turn any box into the ideal transport packaging. Large XL-size cool bag with dimensions of 500 mm x 650/600 mm, offering all manner of space for a variety of chilled products and an adequate number of cool pads.
All sizes at a glance (PDF, 301KB)
Multi-Cargo packaging systems brochure (PDF, 5.17MB)
Nordpack FSC certificate (PDF, 852KB)
Nordpack DIN EN ISO certificate (PDF, 272KB)
Numbers and Data
00028177 | Insulated bag SAFETY cool bag | S | brown/brown | ca. 350 mm x 400/350 mm | 156 |
00028178 | Insulated bag SAFETY cool bag | M | brown/brown | ca. 450 mm x 450/400 mm | 156 |
00028179 | Insulated bag SAFETY cool bag | L | brown/brown | ca. 450 mm x 550/500 mm | 80 |
00028180 | Insulated bag SAFETY cool bag | XL | brown/brown | ca. 500 mm x 650/600 mm | 50 |
Vertriebsteam Kühlverpackungen
Tel.: +49 5136 8004-129
Fax: +49 5136 8004-130